Our Governors

Leys Farm Junior School’s Governing Body

The Governors have an important role to play. They are all volunteers who give up a great deal of their time to govern the school. Their term of office is for four years and they are accountable to the parents, the children, the community, the Local Authority and to the Secretary of State.

They meet on a regular basis to discuss what is taught in school and how, to set the budget, to interview and select staff and to ensure all legislation is complied with. Full governing body meetings are held every term and sub-committee meetings are held every term.


Our Governors

Chair of Governors: Mrs S. Tipler

Vice Chair: Mr G. Williams

SEN-D Governor: Mrs M. Austin

Co-opted Governor: Mr C. Moat

Parent Governor: Mrs W. Frost

Parent Governor: Miss E. Kerridge

Staff Governor: Mrs M. Bower

Headteacher: Miss S. Thomas

Business Manager/Observer: Miss D. Wells